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The Pew Research Institute released a study recently that shows that over 91% of Americans believe that consumers have lost control of their privacy.

This should not be a complete surprise given the extensive media coverage of data breaches, identity theft and government surveillance in recent years, but 91% is as stunning number. I’m not sure you could get 91% of Americans to agree on what day of the week it is. Yet according to this study, 91% also agree with the statement that they have lost control of their personal information.

Social security numbers and health data are considered to be the most sensitive piece of personal information . Interestingly, purchasing habits are among the least sensitive of data.

The study indicates that Americans are willing to trade a considerable amount of privacy for the conveniences that the web and e-Commerce have to offer, but are particular concerned about the loss of control over data once it is out in “the cloud”.

The report is based on a survey conducted January 10-27, 2014 among a sample of 607 adults, 18 years of age or older.

comodo dragon browserThis is exactly why Comodo stepped forward with the Comodo Dragon, a Chromium technology based browser. It offers you all of Chrome’s features PLUS the unparalleled level of security and privacy you only get from Comodo. This includes a greater level of privacy than Chromium technology offers.

The Comodo Dragon has taken the latest Chromium technology and beefed it up in the one way necessary to make it the optimum Browser to use on today’s malware plagued Internet.

Comodo Dragon includes privacy enhancements that surpass those in Chromium’s technology. It includes Domain Validation technology that identifies and segregates superior SSL certificates from inferior ones. Stops cookies and other Web spies. Prevents all Browser download tracking to ensure your privacy.

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