Cyber Security Reading Time: 3 minutes

Not all fads and technology last the test of time.

In the 1990s, Olestra, a no-calorie artificial fat appeared in snack foods. It promised consumers the ability to eat delicious and fattening foods without gaining weight. Unfortunately, Olestra had a swift fall from grace when angry consumers, felled by crippling gastrointestinal pains, filed lawsuits.

Let’s take another example. In the technology world, floppy discs, Betamax and handheld PDAs have all said goodbye. What seemed like innovative technology at the time got replaced by something better: Floppy discs were undone by hard disks, external drives, USB sticks and then cloud services. The Betamax met DVDs, then DVRs and Netflix. And handheld PDAs were bested by mobile phones. Game over.

Your corporate network could be next – but why?

Why Cybersecurity Solutions Are Like Floppy Discs and Fake Fats?

Chances are excellent that your company uses a Default Allow approach to cybersecurity, enabling unknown files and apps to access your corporate networks. It seems like a good idea, but like Olestra, Default Allow has terrible side effects, which include giving cyber hackers a fast and easy pass to penetrating corporate networks, planting malware and stealing corporate secrets. Sticking with Default Allow could cost your company data loss, a massive breach that costs millions or even the complete take down of your network and business in the event of a Zero Day or major ransomware attack.

And like the floppy disc, Default Allow has already been replaced by something better in the marketplace, the Zero Trust architecture. You can make the choice to move on today. Here’s why you should.

What Is a Zero Trust Architecture?

A Zero Trust architecture is both a mindset – and a set of systems – to strengthen your cyber defenses. As a mindset, your IT team decides that no file or app is safe until it has been verified. As an IT set of systems, Zero Trust moves security from just the perimeter – to throughout your network spanning endpoints, LAN, web and cloud.

How a Zero Trust Architecture Works?

With a Zero Trust architecture, you must never trust and always verify threats to prevent breaches.

Market-leading Endpoint Protection Platforms help businesses achieve a Zero Trust Architecture by never trusting and always verifying 100% of unknown files. When an unknown file executes on an endpoint, files are instantly placed in a container, while users experience uninterrupted productivity. While the unknown file is in containment, the file is being analyzed statically and dynamically in the cloud and by human experts, returning 95% of verdicts in under 45 seconds and the remaining 5% in under 4 hours. No damage can be done while the file is in containment and once verdicted, the file is handled accordingly. The process is imperceptible to your workforce because users can immediately run files and apps while they are contained and analyzed in the cloud. Thus, there is no productivity loss or change to the user experience.

If the cloud analysis is not 100% sure if the file is safe or malicious in 45 seconds, it will be immediately escalated to a human analyst for review and a swift determination.

You simply can’t depend on your employees to avoid every phishing email – or your IT teams to detect every threat. They can’t keep up when they are bombarded with attacks – nor should they have to.

You can empower your network, IT team and workforce with a “Zero Trust” mindset – and the architecture to support it.

Your business is too critical for it to stop dead in its tracks due to ransomware, data theft or another form of network exploitation that is enabled by Default Allow.

It’s time for Default Allow to go the way of fake fats and floppy discs.

Learn now how you can use Advanced Endpoint Protection and online verdicting to help create a Zero Trust architecture.

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