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SSLTrust is the currency of the internet.
Without it, communication, commerce or collaboration cannot take place. How do we know? Because 21% of internet visitors won’t shop online at all! And many more shop on only a few, very large sites.

Yet establishing trust with customers is critical because it allows you to engage with your customers more often and more profitably. So how do you establish trust without huge branding and advertising investments?

With the next generation of technology tools called Identity and Trust Assurance solutions. These technologies give you unprecedented results in converting web visitors into customers.

Comodo’s competitive advantage

Partnering with Comodo gives you new revenue opportunities because your customers need Identity and Trust Solutions to succeed. Comodo’s blended, integrated approach allows you to optimize the revenue from each customer because these solutions are essential to help your customers establish trust.

The Best Suite of Branded or Private Branding solutions on the market today

When you partner with Comodo to offer Identity and Trust Assurance solutions, you are leveraging a space that is a top priority for emerchants. You can resell the largest array of Identity and Trust Assurance solutions with the latest trust technologies – increasing your revenues with your customers.  And, unlike many other providers, Comodo backs its solutions with its award winning customer support.

The result? More solutions you can sell them that are proven to generate revenue for them – and for you. Now you can join Comodo in making the Internet a trusted Internet again with solutions such as:

  • High Assurance SSL Certificates – Proving a registered, legitimate business secures private information during transactions
  • HackerGuardian TrustLogo – Proving a site secures privateinformation through vulnerability scanning services and TrustLog
  • Content Verification Certificates – Proving the legitimacy of web content by displaying a highly visible green border virtually eliminating phishing and pharming trust threats
  • TrustFax – One of the best-featured online faxing services on the market today – with recurring revenue for you

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