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With malware ransoms now rising to as high as $1M (USD), there is heightened urgency for organizations and their CISOs, CSOs and other leaders to understand the latest threats to their business’ success, and their options to address them.

Making Sense of Needs vs Cyber Vendor Claims

The Threat Intelligence market alone is estimated by leading analysts to be nearing $6B (USD) per year, and “Endpoint Protection” (i.e. Protecting all network or Internet-connected computers, devices, etc. from allowing malware, etc. to enter there) is seeing rapid growth for vendors like Carbon Black, Cylance and Comodo.  Selecting a vendor is made difficult as many make seemingly similar claims, “See every threat,” “99% Effective!” and of course, “100% Protection with Default Deny Posture AND Default Allow Usability!”

Part of the confusion is the terminology used, for example some analysts and vendors will call it Endpoint Protection, others say AEP (Advanced Endpoint Protection), while IDC and yet others use STAP (Specialized Threat Analysis and Protection), and so on. It can give even the savviest security professional a headache.

Some basic principles remain and are extremely important:

  • 1. Do you want to allow unrecognized or otherwise unknown files to enter your infrastructure (aka “Default Deny posture”)?
  • 2. If your answer is “No” to unknown files (which may be the next WannyCry, etc.), how much disruption to day-to-day business are you and your users willing to tolerate (and which vendors meet that standard)?

Sifting through the noise can drive one to drink, but keeping those 2 questions in mind should help a bit.

An expert and a noted analyst will be debating these very issues live on Wednesday, June 28th if you’d like to join the discussion, so register now and join them and your peers from your own “endpoint” at 1:00 pm ET.

WATCH LIVE: Register and watch live

Endpoint security

About the Author: Steve Menges

Steven A. Menges is a B2B innovator and marketing and products executive with 15 years’ progressive experience. He owns the security buyer’s journey function for cybersecurity leader Comodo. A frequent industry author and speaker, he is an adjunct professor and Capstone/Thesis advisor at the NYU Master’s in Management and Systems and Master’s in Integrated Marketing programs. He is also the co-developer of the Business-to-Business Marketing Maturity Model.