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Francisco Partners a leading technology-focused private equity fund, has acquired a majority stake in Comodo’s certificate authority business. Newly renamed from Comodo CA Limited to Sectigo Limited. Privacy Policies, Trademarks, Patents and Terms & Conditions are available on Sectigo Limited’s web site.
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Reading Time: 2 minutes Comodo AEP is selected as the best ransomware protection program in 2018 cyber security excellence awards. Comodo Advanced Endpoint Protection software is a comprehensive endpoint protection platform which contains various security technologies. This includes host-based intrusion prevention system (HIPS), anti-virus, personal firewall, web filtering, white/blacklisting, behavior analyzer, application control, device control, vulnerability analyzer, patching and…
Reading Time: 4 minutes Email inboxes are constantly bombarded with spam mails. It does not just occupy the email bandwidth, however, it also brings about a lot of malicious threats to the users. A good spam filter would help you to stay secure, protected and helps you terminate unwanted suspicious spam emails from entering your network in the first…
Reading Time: 3 minutes Phishing or Phishing attack is a type of social engineering attack carried out by the online criminals who send out fraudulent communications to users to steal their personal details, such as login credentials, bank account details, and debit or credit card numbers. The Phishing attacker masquerades as a trusted entity tricks their victims into opening…
Reading Time: 3 minutes If your website host or browser has blocked your Joomla! website – it means that your website could contain malware. You must utilize a Joomla which is known as “remove a malware tool” to scan your website and get rid of the malware. Hosts will suspend accounts/websites containing malware. Browsers will block websites—including Joomla! websites—…
Reading Time: 3 minutes Imagine that you’re surfing the web, and suddenly a popup appears on your screen with an ominous message. “Your computer has been infected with a virus. Call our toll-free number immediately for help.” People savvy enough to understand how legitimate antivirus software works, and those knowledgeable about phishing techniques will recognize those warnings as fake….
Reading Time: 4 minutes The Geneva Convention was signed in 1949, a reaction of sorts to World War II. The Second Great War was completely devastating to Europe, to combatants and civilians alike, and the Convention called for warring parties to treat prisoners of war humanely, and to protect civilians in or around war zones. It’s actually a series…
Reading Time: 5 minutes Data breaches are occurring with increasing frequency at name-brand companies, and it’s certainly cause for concern. Millions of customers worldwide are typically harmed by these incidents, and more often than not sensitive identification and financial data is leaked. Now the latest big data breach story is about Marriott, a very large international hotel chain. The…
Reading Time: 4 minutes Emails have been the easiest and quick mode of communication be it for personal or for business reasons by far. However, hackers find emails as the easy medium to spread malware through deceptive spam emails convincing target victims to click open the attachments or links that comes along. By opening the link or attachments the…
Reading Time: 5 minutes As an active member of Toronto’s cybersecurity community, I was honored that founders Lee Kagan and Ben Wells invited me to be a mentor for this year’s C3X competition, which involves students from multiple Toronto colleges. RedBlack describes C3X as “The Canadian Collegiate Cyber Exercise (C3X) is designed to develop, broaden and enhance the skills…
Reading Time: 4 minutes Cybercriminals fond of celebration dates like Thanksgiving Day — but not for the same reason that upstanding people do. For the perpetrators, it’s the favorite time to attack. Why? Because people are tuned on pleasant and good thoughts and feelings on such days. Unfortunately, it makes them more vulnerable. When they see a greeting letter…
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