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Impenetrable cybersecurity without sacrificing usability
Gain detailed visibility into all your endpoints activities
Harden applications and hardware environments
Immediate and continuous response to incidents
Close the window of time your data could be exposed
Get your Comodo solutions setup, deployed or optimized
Control access to malicious websites
Defend from any internet based threats
Stop email threats before it enters your inbox
Preserve and protect your sensitive data
Keep your website running fast and malware free
Add encryption to your websites
Automated certificate mgmt. platform
Secure private intranet environments
Digital signature solutions for cloud apps
Encrypt emails for senders and recipients
Stay compliant with PCI DSS
Trusted authentication for IoT devices
Francisco Partners a leading technology-focused private equity fund, has acquired a majority stake in Comodo’s certificate authority business. Newly renamed from Comodo CA Limited to Sectigo Limited. Privacy Policies, Trademarks, Patents and Terms & Conditions are available on Sectigo Limited’s web site.
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Instantly removes viruses to keep your PC virus free
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Valkyrie Threat Intelligence Plugins
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If you own or help manage a small business, you confront them every day. You might politely call them “your challenges.” Or perhaps you refer to them more anxiously as “the big squeeze.” But it’s just as likely that you rear back each day and cathartically curse the hell out of them!…..No matter.
They remain the ever present chains that shackle you to this troubled economy. The oppressive bullies that make profitability problematic. The shadowy specters that can snatch away all your gains at any moment.
Over the past half decade, you’ve gotten to know them all too well: Ever rising Healthcare, Taxation and Shipping costs. Increasingly burdensome government regulations and compliance requirements. Skyrocketing rent. Exploding benefits outlays. Even escalating heating and cooling charges! Is it any wonder that Small Businesses – the stallions that, unbridled, so frequently sprint across prosperity’s finish line – are today merely running in place?
In a recent Executive Management Meeting, Comodo President, CEO, Scientist, Inventor and Modern Marketing Pioneer, Melih Abdulhayoglu summed it up this way: “Ladies and gentlemen, we can either be part of the problem or part of the solution. I choose the latter!”
That said, Mr. Abdulhayoglu proceeded to make this sweeping marketplace redirect: “Starting today, we will offer Endpoint Security Manager 2.0 Business Edition to any small business with 250 or fewer computers, at reduced price points ranging from $1.27 per computer down to 80¢ per computer. Because it’s an energized small business sector that catapults an economy out of recession. And Comodo is going to be the Internet Security provider to help small business do that!”
In a word, “Revolutionary.”
Endpoint Security Manager 2.0 Business Edition isn’t only the premiere Internet Security and IT Administration System available today, it is also a management console that Comodo R&D has just reimagined, specifically to better suit smaller businesses with limited IT staff. Just consider its five newest features. Innovations that allow you to:
And then, don’t fail consider this: Your Immense Cost Savings!
To offer small businesses the industry’s premiere security and administrative system for as many as 250 computers for as little as 80¢ a PC is astounding! Especially when you contemplate the fact that Comodo’s competitors demand $30.00 to $50.00 per computer! – Then charge even more to rid your computers of the viruses their systems let slip in to begin with!
Add the fact that Comodo’s Endpoint Security Manager 2.0 Business Edition is the ONLY Internet Security and Administrative System that comes with a $5,000.00 Virus-Free Guarantee, and you can finally fully appreciate how committed Comodo is to helping Small Business lead the recovery.
And, once again, sprint across prosperity’s finish line.
Comodo. Science Not Hype.
– Glenn Scheuer
To learn more, simply visit Comodo CESM.
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Advanced Endpoint Protection, Endpoint Detection and Response Built On Zero Trust Architecture available on our SaaS EPP