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If you happen not to have been a frequent reader of the Blog contributions I’ve published within the Social Media section of Comodo’s Web site (and picked up on Comodo’s Facebook page), here’s your chance to catch up. – Selectively.

At the start of each month, I provide one Blog that simply offers readers the opportunity to pick-and-click-through to your choice of any of the Blogs you missed from the previous month.

And this is it!

Below, you’ll find all of March’s Blog titles, accompanied by a sentence or two of synopsis.

Just journey back in time and pick-and-click-thru. Then read and reap.

March 28th

Restoring PC speed without losing valuable files in the process.

If your PC is running slowly because of registry clutter, not a virus, good system cleaning software will restore your computer’s speed. But at what cost? Find out how to restore PC speed without worrying about losing valuable files, too.

March 21st

Comodo R&D announces the ultimate, help-not-hype, restore your PC, Free Scan Web Site.

Read all about the most scientific and helpful — not commercially hyped – Virus Scanning Web Site you can turn to on the Internet today.

March 14th

Beware. Antivirus software testers with dated testing methodologies frequently praise AV products with equally dated technologies.

Discover why Comodo, and other leading Antivirus software developers such as Symantec’s Norton, continue to participate in Matousec’s gauntlet of tests, but no longer participate in AV Comparative’s testing process.

March 5th

The 21st Century’s most devastating threat to worker productivity. And what to do about it.

Today, the extent to which SPAM eats into worker productivity is alarming! Find out about Comodo R&D’s ingenious solution. And how your business can utilize it for FREE.

ITSM Management