Patch management Reading Time: 2 minutes

Industry Analysts and “Experts” are sometimes wrong.    Sometimes very wrong.  Like with a weather man I heavily discount their predictions, especially the ones with a longer time horizon.

So why do smart, successful companies pay tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for their opinions, advice and predictions about vendors, new technologies, and trends?  Because they do their research, talk to your peers, test many products and technologies, and give valuable advice, that’s why.  Is Cloud storage from a certain non-traditional vendor secure?  Ask an analyst!  Is “Artificial Intelligence” a real cybersecurity star or more of a science fiction Imperial Death Star?  Ask the analysts!  Is ransomware penetrating other companies using my current IT security?  Ask the analysts!

The Fortune 500, Russell 2000, AND medium/large enterprises are all being breached and there are now hundreds of IT security/cybersecurity vendors offering different approaches and technologies, so the task to be secure today and tomorrow is large and complex.

Predicting the future is hard and doing primary and even secondary research is both expensive and time consuming, so let the analysts do the research for you.  Fake news and marketing hyperbole is rampant so you need trusted voices, don’t you?  Get facts and informed opinions from experts to help you and your organization  make the best choices.

To hear 3 of the best in the cybersecurity and IT management field for free, check out this unique webinar and live Q&A on October 3rd.  They’ll separate fact from fiction and give you news you can really use: The Endpoint Protection Problem Revisited: The Analyst View

NOTE: Registrants will also get a Threat Intelligence Lab Quarterly Report and a link to the recording of the webinar event.
What is Endpoint Protection?

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