Comodo Containment Technology Reading Time: 3 minutes

Businesses are on a helter-skelter as the current waves of cyber attacks make them double their efforts in protecting their operations as well as their customers. Their online reputation is at stake – along with their assets and the all-important customer data. And if the results of a Herajavec Group Study (a 2016 cybercrime report)  are anything to go by, things aren’t going to get any better for these businesses in the near future.

Cyber Security

So it’s time they brace up and invest in a ‘cyber security threat handling’ program which has enough mileage to stand the test of time in this modern-day ‘security threat-ridden digital world’. So now the question is: what should your ‘security threat handling program’ contain to ward-off the various security threats? Here are some suggestions:

1. Increase Customer Trust by Implementing SSL. Credit card leaks have been much talked about since the Target hack of 2013 which compromised some 70 million customers. Obviously, customers are being warned against posting their credit card data and this is likely to affect online businesses. E-commerce websites are the worst-affected, as indicated by the ‘shopping cart abandonment rates‘ which consequently spiked up after this infamous incident.

As an online business, you can boost customer confidence in two ways.

  • By making sure your business site has updated SSL Certificates and
  • By having a strong HTTPS encryption.

Although this doesn’t imply ‘absolute protection’,SSL Certificates do ease user concerns. This will in turn improve conversion rates and also make it more difficult for hackers to access any data being transmitted to and fro between your site and the users.

2. Protect Your Assets against Ransomware. Various ransomware attacks – WannaCry and Petya to name a few – have been particularly rampant this year, forcing online businesses to adopt counter-measures to safeguard themselves. A reputed endpoint security solution like Comodo Endpoint Security offers good protection against such forms of ransomware attacks.  

3. Deploy Remote Monitoring and Management Tools. Online businesses like IT Service Providers cannot handle everything on their own. They cannot operate efficiently without delegating some of their work – mostly related to managing client IT infrastructures. This is where Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools come in handy. Simply put, remote monitoring helps these IT Service Providers handle their clientele’s problems without having to visit their clients via remoting capabilities.

Some of the benefits they offer:

Enhanced Security: When your clientele’s systems are automatically monitored around the clock (something a human will find tough to accomplish) – Website security threats can be dealt with efficiently. This significantly decreases the chances of your company’s data from being compromised.

Streamlined Maintenance: Security enhancement related maintenance tasks like keeping workstations up-to-date and carrying out regular health checks can be streamlined and automated via Remote Monitoring and Management tools. This, in turn, increases the organization’s security.

4. Protect your Network with IoT Encryption. With the rise of IoT (Internet of Things), the number of devices connecting to a network has likewise increased dramatically. Unfortunately, while we are busy protecting our networks, we forget to protect these IoT devices like smart refrigerator or TV which can connect to the internet and thereby inject potential malware into almost any network.

5. Find Out Where Things are Going Wrong. If your online business is not doing well, one of the possible key reasons could be due to your visitor’s trust. Your website visitors might question your business’ credibility and therefore shy away from sharing their personal information. To determine where things are going wrong and correct them accordingly, you can use a number of analytics tools – there are some specifically for e-commerce websites like  . They come in handy as these tools study visitor behavior on your website and address those visitor security related concerns.

Remote Monitoring Management

Related Resources:

How To Improve Your Company’s Cyber Security Readiness

Why you’re putting your network at risk with a defensive approach to malware

The Seven Advantages of Hiring a Cyber Security Provider
